| Tomorrow's World

China Rising in a Post-Pandemic World

Made in China boxes with Chinese flags

Why is China’s economy growing so fast? And what does it mean for Asia and the world? See what Bible prophecy says about the future of one of the oldest civilizations on earth.

“Excruciating? Really?”

Hammer nails and crown of thorns

What meaning should this word have in our lives today?

What’s Behind the War on History?

Defaced Columbus statue

History is under siege. Long-acknowledged facts are being “rewritten” as heroes are made villains and students of Western civilization are taught to hate their heritage. But why? What forces are working behind it all? And how will the war on history end?

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

Jerusalem at twilight with dome of the rock and wailing wall

True peace has been forever elusive for the “holy city”—but the Bible shows that it won’t be like that forever!

Is God Actually Real to You?

Boy with arm raised against orange sunset

Many sincerely religious people claim to know God and believe in Jesus Christ. But is being a Christian only a matter of “giving your heart to the Lord”? How can you make God is real to you and follow His word wholeheartedly?
