| Tomorrow's World

Education or Indoctrination?

Child writing on a chalkboard education principles

Today’s social engineers are failing to teach students what they truly need to know. How can you be sure that you and your children are being prepared for the future and are learning true and enduring values? The good news is that you can find true education for yourself and your loved ones.

2022 March Issue

Child writing on a chalkboard education principles

Education or Indoctrination?

  • Richard F. Ames (1936-2024)

Today’s social engineers are failing to teach students what they truly need to know. How can you be sure that you and your children are being prepared for the future and are learning true and enduring...

Cargo shipping in port with containers and harbor

Disrupting the Supply Chain

  • Dexter B. Wakefield

Are the COVID-19 outbreaks and resulting economic troubles signs of “sudden disaster” as described in the Bible? What else can the world expect if we are living in the prophesied end times?

Dying person holding hands with a loved one

When a Loved One Dies

  • Rod McNair

Have you grieved the death of someone close to you? Are you still feeling the pain of a long-ago loss? Maybe you have even asked yourself this question: If God is good and all-powerful, why am I suffering...

Red horseman

The Second Horseman: Violence and War

  • Douglas S. Winnail

In the Book of Revelation, a terrifying red horse carries a rider who will bring destruction. But has he already set forth, and is another world war on the horizon?

Sunrise over green fields

In Search of Peace of Mind

  • J. Davy Crockett III

In the “winter of despair,” where can we find a “spring of hope”?

Israeli freedom girl with Israel flag concept

Will Israel Ever Be Free?

  • William Williams

A victory recorded in Scripture is a small foretaste of what will come!

Britain and the Role of the Stranger

Britain and the Role of the Stranger

  • Peter G. Nathan

The immigration crisis is a real and present issue for many modern nations and a source of great anxiety for citizens and migrants alike. How does God expect people to treat foreigners in their lands, even...



  • Editorial Staff

Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Editor in Chief: Gerald E. Weston

The Scariest Verse in the Bible

  • Gerald E. Weston

What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? What is the cost of discipleship?

Spiderweb with dew droplets

The Spider's Woven Web

  • Wallace G. Smith

What can the web weavers of the world teach us about a Designer whose skill surpasses the best science and technology of mankind?

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

  • Editorial Staff

How will we know when Jesus Christ returns?


Letters to TW

  • Editorial Staff

Read letters and responses from readers like you!


Corruption is Everywhere

Corruption is fraudulent conduct, criminal abuse of power for private gain, or a process of changing into something impure, improper, dishonest, and debased—and it seems to be everywhere these days.

Europe Needs a Leader

With Angela Merkel gone, Europe has a power vacuum. French president Emmanuel Macron, whose nation is currently serving a six-month term as presidency of the Council of the EU, is ambitious and driven but is often seen as working solely for France. Many of his European peers also distrust him (Carnegie Europe, February 10, 2022). One analyst noted Macron is the de facto leader of Europe: “While some EU member states are skeptical of Paris, the alternatives to French leadership are few.”

Where Are All the Teachers Going?

CNN has reported an alarming trend: “US teacher prep programs have reported shrinking enrollment numbers over at least the past decade. Experts are sounding the alarm” (February 5, 2022). Many teachers are now retiring, and replacements are in dwindling supply.
