Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2015

Cover Story

Have you done something too awful for forgiveness? Are you worried about a loved one who died unrepentant? Your Bible offers hope!

Feature Story

Are you among the millions who have been tricked into worshiping a false Jesus? Read this article to be sure you have not been deceived!

Article 1

This ancient nation at the intersection of Europe and Asia is feeling the contrary pulls of Islamism and Westernization. What is ahead?

Article 2

Many do not realize that Christianity in Ireland has a history that precedes the famous Roman Catholic evangelist.

Tomorrow’s Youth

“You’re going to need something to clean those fish.” My friend then handed me a brand-new Swiss Army knife, still in the package. He had just taught me the basics of fly-fishing in beautiful mountain springs in northwest Colorado, and now we...

London Calling

Could the United Kingdom be facing the end of an era of stable government? For months, many political pundits and media commentators in Britain have been saying just that. The May 2015 general election could well mark a watershed in the way...


It really is time to “wake up!” Are many of us becoming “asleep at the switch?” A common attitude of millions of human beings is to “go along to get along.” It is often easier to go along with the public mood or situation than to stand...

Prophecy Comes Alive

The last several decades have witnessed a remarkable emergence and growth of forces hostile to biblical truths and Christian beliefs—especially among more affluent, educated members of society. While some view this change as the...

Oh Canada!

A massive explosion occurred on December 6, 1917 in the harbour of Halifax, Nova Scotia. At precisely 9:04 a.m. the French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc, loaded with 2,400 tons of highly explosive wartime cargo, collided with the Norwegian...

The Works of His Hands

When a mother gently places her hands upon her growing belly, contemplating the new child developing within, she is truly touching one of the great wonders of life. The creation of new human life is, indeed, a miracle. And more than a miracle—it...
