Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2015


What is your mission in life?  Do you even have a mission, a purpose beyond "survival"?  Many in our Western world live materialistic and selfish lives.  By contrast, those who are truly successful in life have a purpose beyond and above self! ...

Prophecy Comes Alive

October 24, 2015 marks the 70th anniversary of the United Nations, an international body striving, according to the preamble of its Charter, "to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war" and "to reaffirm faith in fundamental human...

Oh Canada!

Canada's Confederation on July 1, 1867 brought four eastern provinces together to form a new and unified country. To secure their admission, the provinces of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick were assured that a railway linking them...

The Works of His Hands

The Holy Bible begins with a scene of sublime power: God's creation of the world around us—and His initial pronouncement in that creation is a statement profound in its simplicity and in the power it represents: "Let there be ...

Questions and Answers

Awkward English grammar should not stop us from understanding God's Word

Letter to the Editor

Dear Tomorrow's World, I have been receiving your magazine for many years now. It has opened my eyes to the truth and I now know that many traditions such as Easter egg hunts and the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, the Christmas tree and gift...

July-August 2015

Cover Story

Fifty years after his death, and 70 years after he led Britain to victory in World War II, Churchill's legacy still looms large. What can we learn from this remarkable man?

Feature Story

Are you attending "the church of your choice"? Is this just a matter of personal preference, or did Jesus Christ give clear guidelines for the Church that His people would attend?

Article 1

Are billions burning forever in eternal torment because they were born in the wrong place or time? Yes, there is a hell—and hellfire—but the truth is not what most imagine!

Article 2

In our high-tech world, do human beings really understand their true potential?
