Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2016

Questions and Answers

There is a weekly test that is not just for schoolchildren!

Letter to the Editor

I would like to thank the Creator God and am grateful for how He inspired you to provide a very detailed answer to the question about "spiritual communism" in the "Questions and Answers" section of your July-August 2015 issue. You have expounded...

November-December 2015

Cover Story

We know tough times are ahead for our world. Yet a glorious reward awaits those who trust in God, obey Him, and endure to the end!

Feature Story

There is a real devil who would like nothing more than to blur the roles that define husbands, wives, parents and children. Will you overcome his attacks?

Article 1

Are you the result of blind chance? Or is there reason to believe you were created for a reason, with a wonderful destiny ahead?

Article 2

What is your wealth, and what is its place in your life?

Tomorrow’s Youth

I was recently challenged with a good question from a teen: What is the difference between believing and faith? On the face of it, it appears that the two concepts could be the same, and for many people they are. It was a helpful question for me...

London Calling

It is hard to believe that ISIS (sometimes also called "Islamic State"), now such a prominent force in world events, exploded onto the world's consciousness less than two years ago when in June 2014 it declared itself an Islamic Caliphate after...


To the degree that human beings follow biblical laws and principles, life can be abundant, prosperous and inspiring. But, with two world wars and many regional wars even in just the last hundred years—and with ongoing military, political and...

Prophecy Comes Alive

The United States of America and other Israelite nations (the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and nations of northwest European descent) have enjoyed unprecedented financial prosperity for the last two centuries. The...
