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November-December 2015

Oh Canada!

Canada, by many international measures, is frequently lauded as one of the best places in the world to live. Reports cite good prospects in employment, education, medical care and lifestyle, all within borders that are spacious...

The Works of His Hands

Though the Creator God created mankind in His own image, an increasing number of people have decided that it is time for humanity to take charge of its own destiny and to transcend the limitations that have long been considered part and parcel of...

Questions and Answers

What kind of Christmas are you dreaming of? Should you be dreaming of it?

Letter to the Editor

The article "The Truth About Hell", in the July-August issue was right on the point. It comes from Scripture and proves that the "rapture" false teachings are just that; false teaching. Many people have been fooled by this and will not be ready...

September-October 2015

Cover Story

If you attend a "mainline" Protestant church, you have probably noticed that it is shrinking. Why is this happening? What should you be doing about it?

Feature Story

For many of us, life is one stress after another. Personal and professional challenges drain us and strain us. But there are biblical keys to help us endure and overcome!

Article 1

Can you imagine a world where banks pay you to take a loan? What could be wrong with that? The shocking truth is that deflation can ruin your finances and your future!

Article 2

There is an emptiness far more damaging than any dried-up water reservoir.

Tomorrow’s Youth

Several years ago, my then-nine-year-old daughter asked me why our family was different. She had observed that we behaved differently than all the other families on our block, and she wanted to know why we were not "normal."

London Calling

The summer of 2015 marks 1,000 years since the Viking invasion of England by Canute and the commencement of his campaign to become king of England. What lessons can be learned from the legendary life of King Canute? In what way does Canute's...
