Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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March-April 2015

Questions and Answers

What does “Good Friday” reveal about Christ’s death and resurrection?

Letter to the Editor

Thanks very much for your eye-opening magazine. God bless you for the good job you are doing! Thanks.
H. C., Mulanje, Malawi

I would like to say thank you for the books and DVDs you have sent me. I have enjoyed all, and have...

January-February 2015

Cover Story

While millions try to do it "my way" there is a time-tested way, "God's way" that brings untold blessings.

Feature Story

From wars to pandemics to astronomical marvels, what does God's Word tell us to watch for in the year ahead?


What can we learn from Scotland's failed referendum? What does the future hold for the United Kingdom?

Article 1

A simple piece of advice also reveals a principle central to Christian living.

Article 2

Why are young people flocking, like zombies, to macabre new genres of "entertainment"?

Article 3

In the struggle between labor and management, can both sides come out ahead—together?

London Calling

An ongoing debate continues to brew in the Parliament building of Great Britain in the United Kingdom. It involves the “right to die” and goes back as far as 2006. On July 28, 2014, the House of Lords conducted the second reading of the bill put...


The highly regarded modern philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, in his Attack Upon Christendom, wrote: “The Christianity of the New Testament simply does not exist. Millions of people through the centuries have little by little cheated God...
