Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2014

Prophecy Comes Alive

While world attention has focused on the civil war in Ukraine, the armed struggle between Israelis and Hamas in Gaza, the declaration of an Islamic Caliphate in Syria-Iraq and the expansive actions of China in the South China Sea, ...

The Works of His Hands

We live in an era when viewing the universe is possible through much more than an inspiring look into the dark, nighttime sky. Tools such as the Hubble Space Telescope have brought to our earthbound eyes images of worlds, galaxies and nebulae—awe...

Questions and Answers

Should a "soldier of Jesus Christ" (2 Timothy 2:3) fight in the wars of this world?

Letter to the Editor

September-October 2014

Cover Story

Israel and its neighbors are at the heart of age-old conflicts long ago prophesied in your Bible—conflicts that will intensify at the end of this age, leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

Feature Story

Deceived people do not know they are deceived. Is it really possible that billions may be deceived about the true Jesus Christ? You need to know, and to protect yourself from deception!

Article 1

How will the end-time push for “Christian unity” affect your faith—and your life?

Article 2

Why are some beliefs called “mainstream” and others cursed as abominable or worse? How can you tell a heretic from a true Christian? History reveals some surprising ironies!

Tomorrow’s Youth

We live in a world that offers us many choices. It can be very good to have at least a reasonable number of options, such as in the area of consumer goods where different products accommodate a wide variety of personal tastes. Not everyone wants...

London Calling

Have you ever thought about what improvements you would make if you ruled the world? That is the task Prospect Magazine, a British general-interest periodical, sets for itself each issue. In a column entitled “If I ruled the...
