Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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November-December 2016

The Works of His Hands

In warm climates of the globe, you will find a small creature that has amazed and bewildered human observers for thousands of years. “Gecko” is the name of a family of lizards known for possessing many unique features. For example, it uses its...

Questions and Answers

Why does God allow Satan to rule on Earth?

Letter to the Editor

I have read many books, pamphlets, articles, etc. on the subject of human love and found this booklet, God’s Plan for Happy Marriage, to be especially...

September-October 2016

Cover Story

As the United States prepares to select a President, how would our Savior respond? How should we as Christians respond?

Feature Story

Are we on a path to inevitable catastrophes that will bring our civilization to an end? The prophecies of your Bible have the answer!

Article 1

This year, millions of people will observe Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day and the Day of the Dead. Will you?

Article 2

Biblical prophecy is being fulfilled right before your eyes!

Tomorrow’s Youth

My memories of life as an infant are a bit foggy, but I do vaguely recall that my parents put a great deal of emphasis on success. One day, they removed all the sharp-edged furniture from my path, lifted me onto my feet, then gently coaxed me as...

London Calling

Factors beyond human control helped to shape a kingdom's future forever.


Our western society is usually willing to admit to the fact that there are many "problems": big city violence, rebellious young people, broken families and confused children. But what we normally do is fail to find the real cause...
