Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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January-February 2017

Feature Story

Although most of our world is lost in confusion, your Bible reveals clear end-time events that will lead up to the return of Jesus Christ. Here are twelve key events about to impact your life!

Article 1

Many have risked their lives searching for riches in unlikely places. But did you know that God has promised you the greatest treasure of all? You can find it in the pages of your own Bible!

Article 2

Reflections on Pearl Harbor

A visit to the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii some years ago was, for me, a moving experience.  The impact of the horrific attack catapulted the United States into World War II...

Tomorrow’s Youth

One of my favorite memories as a guitarist in a band is looking out at a crowded dance floor while playing an upbeat tune. I vividly remember the euphoric feeling of oneness with everyone in the room, many of them complete strangers, united by...

London Calling

A scientist whose discoveries continue to impact our lives every single day, Faraday’s life offers us more than many realize.


It is coming. It is coming soon. Your Bible clearly indicates that a wave of false prophets will rise up at the end of this age!

Turning Points in World History

The events that shape the destiny of nations and continents are not random, nor are they without purpose. God is working out a plan!

Oh Canada!

The year 2017 is set to be one of celebration and reflection across Canada. July 1 of this year will mark the 150th anniversary of the birth of the nation, when four provinces formed a confederation known as the Dominion of...

The Works of His Hands

Growing up in the state of Texas, mountains were not really a big part of my visual vocabulary. I had seen them in books, photos, paintings and movies, but I had never seen one with my own eyes until I was in my early thirties. However, when I...

Questions and Answers

What’s wrong with seemingly innocent words like “gosh” or “gee”?
