Magazine Articles | Tomorrow's World

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September-October 2016

Turning Points in World History

Lists of great leaders who have influenced the course of history usually include names like Hammurabi, Plato, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Queen Victoria, and George Washington. Surprisingly, Jesus Christ is seldom placed in this category...

Oh Canada!

One of the most intriguing and outstanding achievements in Canadian history occurred between 1871 and 1885, within two decades of Canada's confederation in 1867: the construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR) across the...

The Works of His Hands

I recall my first real experience with hummingbirds. My wife had hung a hummingbird feeder from a pole behind our house, and after a few days the air itself seemed to be buzzing with the tiny birds. One was clearly attempting to dominate the...

Questions and Answers

Can a Christian have an out-of-body experience?

Letter to the Editor

I've never really been religious. But after watching your show on TV, you ask some good questions, so I'm keeping an open mind till I learn more, and then I will make my choice. Thanks for sparking my interest.
S.L., Berri, South Australia...

July-August 2016

Cover Story

The devil and his demons offer a strange new world where good is evil and evil is good. Will you reject Satan's lies, or fall victim to his deceptions?

Feature Story

Despite so many challenges and stresses around us, we can take comfort in using tools God has given us to find solace and joy even in times of distress.

Article 1

We know that God can provide divine healing, but do we understand what He is doing when He heals—and why?

Article 2

Why settle for the false hope invented by men when you can have the true hope revealed in your Bible?

Article 3

War seems like a fact of life, but God promises a better time soon ahead!
