Roger Meyer | Page 54 | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Wars and Rumors of Wars

War. It’s an ugly word. It denotes death and destruction, pain and suffering, ruination and devastation. Every year, it affects tens of millions of human beings. Will war ever end?

Are you looking down the road?

Looking down the road is a good idea. Taken literally, it makes you a safer driver. Using the phrase "looking down the road" as a metaphor for having vision and foresight can help you anticipate dangers and avoid other kinds of accidents and problems. It can also make you a better employee, a better parent, a better student—and a better Christian.

Slaves to debt

The burden of debt on this nation is overwhelming! The United States' government is staring at the need to raise the debt ceiling again above $14 trillion. All but several of the 50 states have budget deficits of billions of dollars. Why did the wealthiest nation in the world come to be in this condition?

Criticism of the Bible

There are many critics of the Bible. Some pass severe judgment and condemn with condescension the authenticity, origin, and accuracy of the Bible. Some allege contradictions or errors in the Bible to discredit the word of God. Is the word of God reliable?

Are you a victim of "divide and conquer"?

Everybody is a victim of a "divide and conquer" strategy. Often, we do not realize it because we are too close to the emotion and postured wrangling of charges and counter charges, of arguments and personal attacks. This can take place in a home, a church, corporation or business, or on a national or international scale. What can we do?
