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News and Prophecy Staff

Japan’s Radioactive Fish

It has been over a decade since the meltdown of Japan’s Fukushima nuclear reactor. Since then, water used to cool the hot nuclear reactor has been stored in massive storage ponds. Now, The Guardian reports that Japan is preparing to release over 1.3 million tonnes of radioactive water into the environment—a plan already approved by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (July 23, 2023).

Does Human Life Matter?

“It’s my life and I can do with it what I want to” is a common mantra in Western society. Yet, in recent years that mantra has taken on a grave twist. With the legalization of euthanasia—what some have called “mercy killing”—people are increasingly allowed to commit legal suicide with the help of their doctor. And in some countries, the reasons legally allowed to justify this seem increasingly trivial.

Now, the "Lord's Prayer" Is Gender-Biased!

According to a high-ranking Church of England official, Jesus’ sample prayer—commonly called the “Lord’s Prayer”—is dangerously biased toward patriarchy. The Guardian quoted the Archbishop of York when it reported that the “opening words of the Lord’s Prayer, recited by Christians all over the world for 2,000 years, may be ‘problematic’ because of their patriarchal association” (July 7, 2023).

Where Have All the Adults Gone?

The rapidly changing morals across Western societies is disorienting. It seems as though leaders have lost any appreciation of history and the lessons to be gained from life. How has this happened? Why have younger generations gained so much political power and influence so quickly? A recent editorial by Janet Daley in the UK’s Telegraph put it this way: “Where—to put it bluntly—have all the grown-ups gone?

Worshiping “Mother Earth”

According to The Guardian, a new Australian survey revealed that many young people on the island continent reject the idea that humans have the right to use nature for their own benefit (June 22, 2023). The survey identified how different generations view environmental issues.
