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News and Prophecy Staff

BRICS and Prophecy

At the end of August, South Africa hosted a meeting of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). Also present were several other nations, six of which will officially become part of the BRICS group in January 2024: Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. This new group is particularly interesting because Iran and Saudi Arabia have been enemies for quite some time, but China has brokered a peace between them—at least for now.

The Power of Laughter

For many years, laughter has been known to boost one’s health and mental outlook. Periodically, new research emerges providing even more support for this understanding. A recent study shows that laughter “causes the tissue inside the heart to expand—and increases oxygen flow around the body” (The Guardian, August 27, 2023).

Archaeology Confirms King David

As recently as thirty years ago, King David was just a mythical figure for many secular historians—a position that continues to be held by some. However, over the last few decades, archaeological evidence has been mounting to support not only the idea that King David existed, but also that he oversaw a powerful and substantial kingdom—just like the Bible says he did!

Anarchy in Haiti

In the first half of 2023, gangs in Haiti “killed at least 2,000 people and kidnapped more than 1,000,” according to the United Nations (The Guardian, 14 August 2023). Since the 2021 assassination of Haiti’s last president, anarchy has taken over as 150 rival gangs compete to control the nation’s capital. Murder, robbery, rape, and kidnappings are rampant, and the police are powerless against them.

France’s Waning Influence in Africa

In a recent article in the Le Figaro newspaper, three right-wing French senators and 96 members of the parliament attacked French president Emmanuel Macron’s policies concerning Africa (The Telegraph, 12 August 2023).
