Roger Meyer | Tomorrow's World

Roger Meyer

Why Easter Is Called Easter

A man wearing bunny ears while rubbing his face in exasperation

What does the Lamb of God have to do with a rabbit?

Strength from Weakness

Opposites form the elements of many biblical lessons: life and death, flesh and spirit, wisdom and foolishness, light and darkness, sin and righteousness, and more. Such is the case with strength and weakness.

A Lie By Any Other Name…

In William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet says, “That which we call a rose / by any other name would smell as sweet.” This well-known phrase means that no matter what something is named, it doesn’t change what it is. Likewise, a lie, called by any other word, is still a lie.

God’s Thoughts

What does God think about? What are His thoughts? What does He think of mankind? Does the Bible tell us what God thinks?

The Next Most Pivotal Event In History

There have been many events in mankind’s history that are considered pivotal. A list of relatively recent events would include the First and Second World Wars and the Great Depression. Other significant historical events include severe pestilences like the Black Death and extreme famines and earthquakes. Many of these events are battles, downfalls of empires, or inventions that “change the world,” such as the printing press, electric lighting, the automobile, powered flight, computers, the Internet, or atomic bombs. What is the most pivotal event to come?
