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Foundations of Western Culture: Abraham & Isaac

Any information drawn from the Bible is now largely scorned in the secular community, but to understand the roots of our modern Western society, its history, its ethical and moral principles, the content of the Biblical text needs to be known. This video continues to explore the cultural impact of Abraham as well as his son, Isaac.

Foundations of Western Culture: Abraham

Over the past generation, the knowledge and stories related by the Bible that once formed a framework for our laws, literature and even our scientific advances have been lost. Thus, we have a growing population that has been effectively quarantined from the foundation of our culture and immersed in anti-social nihilistic rhetoric, leaving most people adrift without moral or cultural moorings. One ancient figure whose impact in establishing the foundation for Western Culture is the Biblical Abraham.


The Power of Utterance

“Rights! We demand our rights!” is a cry often heard in these tumultuous times. Citizens do have rights in the United States of America not found in many nations around the world.

EU Ignored as Conflict Looms

During the current crisis in the Ukraine, the United States and Russia have met on several occasions to find a solution. However, the European Union has been left out of the conversation (Deutsche Welle, January 13, 2022). In fact, while the talks between the U.S. and Russia took place on European soil in Brussels and other cities, the EU was not invited to the table. This exclusion has not gone unnoticed in Europe.

Qatar Gas to Europe?

Russia has become the primary source of natural gas for Germany, leaving some concerned that Russia could cut off the supply if hostilities erupt in the Ukraine and Germany opposes Russian moves in that area. However, the United States has been negotiating behind the scenes with the Arab nation of Qatar, which has an excess of natural gas and may be willing to temporarily supply Europe should the need arise (The Guardian, January 26, 2022).
