News | Page 89 | Tomorrow's World


Hunger Producing Premature Babies in Afghanistan

Since the U.S. and coalition forces pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban regained control, hunger has dramatically increased in that nation (Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2022). Half the country’s population—about 20 million people—are facing conditions of acute hunger as the economy continues to collapse following the Taliban takeover and the Western sanctions that have followed.

Fertilizer Prices, Smaller Crops, Less Food

The Wall Street Journal reports that rising fertilizer prices around the globe are impacting farmers everywhere (January 21, 2022). While having a devastating effect in developing countries, no one seems immune.

German Links to Israel Growing

Israel will buy three specially designed, German-made submarines, in a deal worth three billion euros (Deutsche Welle, January 20, 2022). The agreement, with delivery expected nine years from now, includes spare parts and a training simulator to be built in Israel. Germany will cover part of the cost of the project through a grant to Israel.

Foundations of Western Culture: Joseph

Joseph is one of the most powerful and faithful individuals of whom we have record. His descendants would inherit the lion's share of the blessings promised to Abraham. His is a story of perseverance and virtue and has had a lasting impact on Western Culture.

Foundations of Western Culture: Jacob

The unprecedented attacks on the pillars of Western culture on the part of ill-educated but vocal, and sometimes violent woke movements, seek to discredit the present social order that has been a great blessing and benefit within our borders and to the world at large. In our 3rd part to this series examining the lasting impact of the Biblical patriarchs, we turn our attention to Jacob.
