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Insights from Kazakhstan

In the last couple weeks there have been mass riots in several cities in Kazakhstan, a Central Asian nation the size of Western Europe (BBC, January 6, 2022). Rioters have looted, burned down buildings, and caused additional destruction, and some have been shot by the state military.

Why So Much Confusion Today?

Have you ever seen so much confusion? Today’s events and the decisions being made on a whole host of issues are frustrating. Far too often, our leaders’ actions defy common sense.

Opposing opinions and a divisive spirit result in social unrest in a wide variety of areas, such as education, health, masks, vaccinations, crime, policing, climate and the environment, energy, national borders and immigration, politics, voting, the approach of and limits to governmental powers, marriage, gender, sexual identity, race, economics, and a host of other cultural issues.

Attention Rulers of Earth

Cartoon depictions of extraterrestrials have often shown them standing by their flying saucer, asking an earthling to “take me to your leader.” Such scenes have long characterized the idea of earth’s first contact with extraterrestrials.

Science Is Without Excuse!

For more than a hundred years, scientists have been looking for alternatives to the biblical account of the universe being created by an all-knowing, all-powerful God. This idea is threatening for secular scientists and others because it suggests that the Bible, with all its moral imperatives, would also be valid—and many do not want to be told that there is only one right way to live!

EU Neighbors Fear Germany’s Future

Tensions between Poland and the EU have been high for months. But Poland’s deputy prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, may have raised tensions even higher when he “accused Germany’s new government of wanting to turn the European Union into a federal ‘German Fourth Reich’” (Deutsche Welle, December 24, 2021).
