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The "Voice of Old"

As we have seen the Middle East ignite over the past several weeks, it would be interesting to write to the leaders of Egypt and the other countries experiencing these unrests and to give them the warning of the “Voice of Old."

Earthquakes in diverse places

Earthquakes are always in the news. On Friday, March 11, 2011, an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 struck in Japan, generating a devastating tsunami. Thousands are reported killed. Why are we having these devastating earthquakes, seemingly one right after another?

Greed, anarchy and captivity

If you've been watching the news, images from across the Middle East portraying a breakdown of peace, the dissolution of decorum, the disturbing display from unruly mobs of young and old, men and women alike, have been etched in your memory. Could this type of anarchy also awaken in the United States?

The end of Pax Americana?

Two millennia ago, the Western world was in a state of uneasy peace, commonly referred to as Pax Romana. This peace was brought about by the region's only superpower, an entity powerful enough to give pause to nations thinking about independence. While this peace led to an explosion in literature, culture and technology, it did not last long.

As the Roman Empire collapsed under the strain of supporting a morally—and financially—bankrupt society, this state of uneasy peace came to an end, throwing the region into chaos. History is repeating itself.

Commodities and the coming "Standard-of-Living Shock"

It wasn't the front page headline of the Wall Street Journal, but its message deserves the attention of every American who currently enjoys his way of life.  In Ms. Kelly Evans' small column deep within that paper on February 17, 2011, the title concisely explained what most Americans don't yet understand: "A Standard-of-Living Shock Is the Danger."
