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Asteroid Apophis earth's doomsday?

On February 4, 2011, the asteroid 2011 CQ1 narrowly missed the earth, coming within 3,400 miles (5471 km). Five days later, a larger asteroid called 2011 GA7 passed within 65,000 miles—both astronomical near misses. On February 15, 2011, a silver streak appeared in the sky over Pennsylvania and was seen in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland. Some astronomers are concerned that an astoroid named Apophis will strike the earth in 2036.  Will this be earth's doom?

The Vatican versus the Fourth Commandment

On January 25, Pope Benedict XVI again proclaimed his desire "to ignite a fervent missionary movement in the Catholic Church," stating he wants to advance "the entire Catholic Church into a new missionary age" in 2011 (, January 28, 2011).  While this movement will ultimately contribute to fulfilling prophecies such as Isaiah 47:8–9 and Revelation 17:2–5, an aspect of this rejuvenated "fervent missionary movement" already affects billions. This is the growing emphasis on Sunday observance.

A Plague of Locusts

As farmers in Australia watch helplessly, locusts are marching relentlessly, devouring crops as they go. This plague is just another foretaste of an even more devastating plague to come. What can we do to prevent these plagues from happening? What can we do to escape?

Wars and Rumors of Wars

War. It’s an ugly word. It denotes death and destruction, pain and suffering, ruination and devastation. Every year, it affects tens of millions of human beings. Will war ever end?

Slaves to debt

The burden of debt on this nation is overwhelming! The United States' government is staring at the need to raise the debt ceiling again above $14 trillion. All but several of the 50 states have budget deficits of billions of dollars. Why did the wealthiest nation in the world come to be in this condition?
