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History, Science and Faith

To prove that the Bible is the authoritative word of God, one must rely on a combination of secular history, scientific fact and one’s own faith that the Bible is the true word of a higher power—plus the belief that God’s power, the Holy Spirit, is working with those God has called to understand His plan for mankind!

The black horse of famine

The book of Revelation paints the picture of four prophetic horses which will ride at the end of the age. Each brings troubles and plagues with it, leaving human casualties in their wake. Russia and India are battling one of the tools spoken of in the third seal – the black horse of famine!

Secret rapture? 144,000?

As we approach the end of this age and Christ's literal return, many Christians wonder what will happen to them. Many believe in a secret rapture.  Jehovah's Witnesses claim to be part of the 144,000. Others wonder about the Great Multitude. What does the Bible really teach about God's saints at the end of this age?

At Churchill's Feet

Some years ago while traveling abroad, I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit the grave of Winston Churchill, at St. Martins Church in Bladon, England. As I sat at the foot of his grave, I felt a strong sense of comfort and safety. My thoughts fell on just how close Britain and the Commonwealth had come to defeat and utter destruction in the Second World War. The world would not be the same even now if God had not directly intervened.

Are You Protected?

The thought flashed through my mind: “It sure is nice to have God’s protection.” And then it happened! Up until that moment, it was just another long, hot day during my summer break from college, spent toiling in the oil fields near Zwolle, Louisiana. One moment. everything seemed normal; the next moment, I was struggling to breathe.
