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Faith on the Football Field?

After the winning field goal, the quarterback of the Denver Broncos NFL football team dropped down on one knee and said a quick prayer. This act, which quarterback Tim Tebow has repeated in other games, is his way of expressing his faith, in that he believes he should give glory to his God for his accomplishments. Now, “Tebowing”—the act of dropping down on one knee to pray, elbow planted on knee—is widely mimicked both to praise and to mock the young star quarterback’s faith.

Facebook Christians

Launched in 2004, Facebook has exploded to a reported 1.71 billion active users. Facebook’s stated purpose is to help users “connect and share” with the people in their lives. The ubiquity of Facebook and other social media, and the fact that the expressed purpose of social media is to “share” about ourselves, our life and our interests gives Christians the opportunity—and the responsibility—to ask ourselves a very important question. What do we “like”?

A coming "world political authority"?

The world is on the verge of a new and deeper recession (, October 31, 2011). Meanwhile, Germany is growing increasingly frustrated with the European debt debacle and the Vatican is calling for “a world political authority.”  How will you be affected?  How do these events align with end-time prophecy?

Wonderfully Made

Look at your hand. Once it was only a small bit of code in a DNA sequence. Now, it is a fully operational marvel of design, engineering and construction. And so is the rest of our body.  Mankind is only beginning to understand some of the secrets of the processes of prenatal development.

Vatican: "Supranational authority" needed to guide world finance

On Monday, October 24, 2011, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace published its recommendation for a globally empowered international authority over the world’s finances.  This move by the Vatican may seem like simply “another academic paper” for policy wonks.  But for students of Bible prophecy, the move represents possibilities of tremendous prophetic significance.
