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Serving God's people in Myanmar

I was recently blessed to be able to travel from my home in Malaysia to Myanmar to visit with and to serve God’s faithful flock. I thank God for a blessed trip and I thank God for the faithfulness of our spiritual brothers and sisters in Myanmar. The trip was encouraging to me and you may also be interested in learning a little more about how God is providing for His people in this remote but beautiful country. For the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters in Myanmar, I cannot share the names of these wonderful men and women in this report.

“I didn’t send that!”

Every day, e-mail accounts are hacked and used to generate “spam” messages that appear to come from the people being hacked! This is a form of identity theft, and it is on the increase. Identity theft is age old. Even apostles—and Jesus Christ Himself—have been its victims!

Isaiah in 2012?

The Bible can seem like an ancient book, full of “thees” and “thous”. It can seem confusing, with dragons, and dreams, and lots of things that “theology experts” argue about. But when we actually read what the Bible says, its often more relevant to our modern society than we might think.

One Year Until Doomsday?

Well, a milestone of sorts has been reached. From now on, the so-called “Mayan Doomsday” date of December 21, 2012 (or December 23, 2012, depending on whom you ask) is less than a year away. Does mankind have anything to fear from that much-discussed date? How should Christians react?

Eurozone Crisis: Lurching Towards The Brink

When British Prime Minister David Cameron exercised the United Kingdom’s national veto last Friday at the European Union Summit in Brussels—the first EU national veto ever exercised by a British Prime Minister—he surprised most observers and sent shock-waves through the Union as never before in the UK’s 39-year involvement in the grand European project.
