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Moral Absolutes? Absolutely!

In the twentieth century, the philosophy of moral relativism entered the educational mainstream and became prominent in the cultures of modern Western nations. The moral absolutes that were generally upheld and taught for centuries by the nominally Christian Western world were eroded by this new philosophy. Do you believe in moral relativism…or in moral absolutes?

The Mean Streets of Cairo: A Look Back

A little over a year ago, when the street demonstrations that eventually brought down the Hosni Mubarak regime were unfolding in Cairo, Egypt, I reflected on the situation in a commentary published on this site, looking at the events in the light of Bible prophecy as understood by Tomorrow’s World. A year later, the observations in that piece have played out much as expected. Where do we now stand?

After the Non-pocalypse

Well, it is almost over. In fact, many of you will read this well after it is over. Soon, December 21, 2012—and all of the New Age delirium associated with that date—will be a faded memory. No planetary collision with a “Planet X” or “Nibiru.” No reversal of the earth’s magnetic poles. No UFO rescues. For that matter, no new global wave of peace and prosperity. December 22 will bring the same worldly worries as December 20—and December 21 will have made hardly any difference, like any other day. So, what do we do now?

Consider the Ant and Be Wise

Storms, wildfires, earthquakes, and other natural disasters have frequently dominated the news over the past several years. These catastrophes cause massive power outages, food shortages, and billions of dollars in damages to personal lives and property. Do we see these events, and think to ourselves, “Wow! I am glad that didn’t happen to me!” or are we asking ourselves the question, “Am I ready for such an event?” Natural disasters are going to happen, and sometimes they come without warning. Will you be ready when more disaster comes? Are you preparing like the ant?

A "Lucky Country"?

Since the 1960s, Australia has been known as “The Lucky Country.” Most people have assumed that it earned this nickname because of its vast natural resources and rich agricultural land. However, there is no “luck” or “good fortune” involved in Australia’s prosperity. It has resulted from a source that very few people today acknowledge, or have even considered.
