News | Page 467 | Tomorrow's World


What on Earth Is God Doing?

Just when we think we are over one crisis, another seems to come right along. Is the media just reporting too much news for us to absorb? Or are we approaching the end of the world as we know it? What we can know for certain is that God knows what is going on, and that there is good news around the corner!

The Soon-Coming Great Tribulation

The Bible warns of a frightening time called the “Great Tribulation.” How will its terrors affect you and your loved ones? What can you do to prepare for it—or be spared? You need to know!

Prophets and Pretenders

Are there really some people who can predict the future? Is it even possible to predict the future accurately? Is there a source we can trust for reliable predictions of what is ahead? What does Almighty God have to say about this? The answers to these questions may change the way you look at the world—and your own future!

Revelation Unveiled

The book of Revelation, in your Bible, is a mystery to most who try to make sense of its puzzling symbols and powerful images. Did you know that God has given us keys to understanding Revelation’s powerful prophetic message?

Doomsday in 2012?

Did ancient peoples really predict that our world would end in December 2012? Where did this idea come from, and what does it have to do with your Bible? You need to know the truth about the end of the world—and it may not be what you expect!
