News | Page 465 | Tomorrow's World


The Superpower "Beast" of Revelation

The book of Revelation, in your Bible, features apocalyptic symbols—the famous four horsemen, a woman riding a beast, and a seven-headed beast rising out of the ocean. What do these symbols mean? Bible prophecy shows that they reveal a significant change in the world's balance of power. Who is the "beast"? Who is the new world superpower soon to arise on the world scene? You need to know!

The Prophetic Day of the Lord

Our planet Earth, and all life on it, is in extreme danger. Is this danger leading to the end of the world? Will we survive as a civilization? Bible prophecy shows that our world is headed toward the climax of end-time prophecy, and will soon enter what Scripture calls the "Day of the Lord." But what is the "Day of the Lord"—and how will it affect you and your loved ones? You need to know!

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Leaping from the prophetic pages of the Book of Revelation, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have become well-known figures in our Western world and beyond. These harrowing riders have established themselves in our cultural awareness, but they are not meaningless metaphors. They reveal a prophetic vision of terrifying events that will soon engulf the whole world—and will affect you and your family more profoundly than you know!

Will the Beast Rise in Europe?

Your Bible describes a mysterious "Beast" that will rise at the end of this age.  Some have wondered if the Beast will emerge from Russia, or from the United States. Scripture, however, reveals the role Europe will play in this powerful end-time prophecy!

How To Know When Christ Will Return!

Your Bible clearly reveals that Jesus Christ will return to planet Earth as King of Kings! He will set up a genuine government of God, right here on Earth. But do you know when He will return? Do you know what signs to watch for? Your Bible gives specific signs revealing that Jesus Christ will return very soon.
