News | Page 455 | Tomorrow's World


The Impossible Dream

World peace has been an elusive goal for thousands of years. Many approaches have been tried, yet all have failed. Is world peace truly an "impossible dream," or will many of us experience it within our lifetimes? The answer may surprise you.

Prophecy Is Speeding Forward

In the last century, some key prophetic milestones were passed. But in just the last few years, the pace of prophetic fulfillment has sped up beyond what many could have imagined just a few years ago. What does this mean for Christians today?

The Economics of Greed

The Western nations have enjoyed unparalleled prosperity in recent years. High finance has become the engine of economic growth for hundreds of millions who live with luxuries once unheard of. Yet the Bible warns that such prosperity may come at a heavy price.

The True Gospel Restored!

Bible prophecies reveal the gospel of Jesus would be corrupted, the world would be deceived into believing a false gospel, but the true gospel would be restored and proclaimed just before the return of Jesus Christ. Those prophecies are coming alive today!

James, the Brother of Jesus

Archaeologists in Israel recently announced that they had found the burial box of Jesus' brother James. Who was James? What do we know about his life and his teachings—and their importance for Christians today? The answer may surprise you!
