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A New -Caesar- in Europe?

The United States is waning as a global power, and the world is looking for new leadership. Europe is moving closer to unification. The long papacy of John Paul II may be very near its end. What will come next in Europe—and what does Bible prophecy say will result?

Peace on Earth?

Is world peace really possible? The quest for peace seems endless. It is in the news almost every day, yet our world grows more brutal by the minute!

The Lady of Nations

Millions venerate Mary, Jesus' mother, with such titles as "Mother of God" and "Queen of Heaven" without realizing that these are pre-Christian titles, condemned by Scripture. Why do so many treat Mary with the same veneration once given to pagan mother goddess figures? Scripture reveals the startling truth!

The Greatest Land Deal Ever?

On the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, history and Scripture show us that God is faithful to His promises. Many in the United States credit God for the nation's prosperity and blessings. But few realize that these blessings were foretold millennia ago in Scripture!

Europe and the Vatican Agenda

The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of intimate involvement in Europe's political and religious affairs.
