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The United Nations: Man's Last, Best Hope?

Sixty years ago this October, the United Nations was established. Inaugurated officially on October 24, 1945, the UN was the brainchild of a world still freshly mindful of the horrors of World War II—the most terrible and destructive conflict yet to have engulfed mankind. War had become so unbelievably destructive that world leaders knew there had to be some other mechanism for resolving conflict among nations and finding peace.

Tribulation Ahead!

Jesus foretold that conditions on earth would reach the point where human survival would hang in the balance—unless God intervenes to save mankind!

What We Stand For

We of Tomorrow's World believe that we are commanded by God to get back to the original Christianity of Jesus and the apostles. We are deeply committed to "Restoring Apostolic Christianity"—living by the first century Christianity of the early Church of God, which was later subverted by false teachers.

Out of this World!

In June of 1969, a pilot was practicing with a strange-looking flying machine. This pilot had a reputation for "staying with the ship" until the very last moment, only an instant before it was too late to eject. This day, he was practicing with an odd contraption; it was awkward, difficult to control and dangerous.

Sixty Years in the Shadow of the Bomb

In August 1945, two nuclear explosions devastated Japan, and changed the world forever. Sixty years later, are we living on the brink of nuclear cosmocide?
