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The World After World War III

All around us, we see violence between nations and conflict between individuals. The Cold War is behind us, but fears of terrorism and global nuclear holocaust remain. Will mankind destroy itself? The Bible reveals that there will be a "World War III"—but offers a hope-filled message of our ultimate destiny.

Betrayed—for a Reason!

The invasion of Iraq produced shockwaves that both stunned and shattered the alliance of Western democracies. In a matter of weeks, allies of the United States and Britain became adversaries, as pleasantries evaporated and animosity erupted.

Europe: A Modern Tower of Babel

Recent developments in Europe are vital pieces in the end-time prophetic puzzle. They can remind us of an ancient ruler whose attempt at empire-building was struck down by God Himself. Your Bible reveals what European unification portends for the future.

The Impossible Dream

World peace has been an elusive goal for thousands of years. Many approaches have been tried, yet all have failed. Is world peace truly an "impossible dream," or will many of us experience it within our lifetimes? The answer may surprise you.

Prophecy Is Speeding Forward

In the last century, some key prophetic milestones were passed. But in just the last few years, the pace of prophetic fulfillment has sped up beyond what many could have imagined just a few years ago. What does this mean for Christians today?
