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Caring for God’s Creation

Elephant ivory has been treasured for millennia, but “Researchers believe that since 2010 an average of nearly 35,000 elephants have been killed annually on the [African] continent. They warn that if the rate of poaching continues, the animals could be wiped out in 100 years” (BBC, August 18, 2014). Some areas in Africa are harder hit than others.  For example, “In Central Africa it is estimated that elephant numbers have fallen by about 60% in a decade” (ibid.).

Divide and Conquer

Jesus Christ taught that a house divided against itself will not stand (Luke 11:17). He also taught that one of the signs of the end of the age will be “nation fighting nation”—in the inspired Greek, this means “ethnic group against ethnic group” (Matthew 24:7). When we look around the globe, we see these prophecies being fulfilled more and more as Syria, Iraq, Egypt, the Holy Land and Ukraine are torn apart by internal divisions. And the United States is not immune! Racial tensions in the U.S. have reached another high as emotions and the use of force to deal with them escalate in the St.

Pope’s Star Is Rising

“He’s an ambassador of peace to a world in great need of it” wrote one journalist during the Pope’s recent visit to South Korea (Catholic News Agency, August 14, 2014). Following a mass in Seoul attended by mostly non-Catholics, the Pope performed the “beatification of 124 Korean martyrs.” A Thai woman in the audience commented “‘I think that the Pope is not just for Catholics, but for the world.

Drought Danger in Western USA

“A 14-year drought in the southwestern United States has drained reservoirs such as Nevada’s Lake Mead to record lows. But satellite measurements show that the losses are even greater underground” (Nature, July 25, 2014).

Enforcing Peace in the Holy Land?

With the Israeli-Hamas crisis waning on, Israeli Foreign Minister Liberman told the German Bild “Germany and the EU must dispatch inspectors to Gaza to monitor trade with the neighboring countries” (Agence France Presse, August 7, 2014). Mr. Liberman noted that the inspectors should not be “police or soldiers” and that “Germany… take a leading role” – all to the agreement of Germany and France (ibid.).
