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There Must Be National and Personal Repentance!

As most of you long-time readers are well aware, we at Tomorrow’s World have for many years been preaching the good news of God’s coming Kingdom, and warning the Western nations that unless they repent of their increasingly godless and immoral ways, God will judge them severely.

NATO’s Opposition to Russia

At the eastern European summit in Minsk, Belarus this week, Russian President Putin and Ukraine President Poroshenko traded handshakes and words, but no progress was made on a cease-fire in the Ukraine (EU Observer, August 27, 2014). And with increasing allegations that Russia is illegally crossing into the Ukraine, NATO also drafted a new plan stating that the “alliance is planning to set up permanent new bases in eastern Europe” (ibid.).

The Enigmatic Human Brain

What is the most complex object in the cosmos? This is a big question—galaxies comprise hundreds of billions of stars and planets, and could be considered complex, as could many other natural structures. Among mankind’s creations are some remarkable works of vast intricacy. Europe’s powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, is an engineering feat of great complexity, and in its day the United States’ Space Shuttle was called the most complicated machine ever invented.

Coming Plagues: The Pale Horse

Bible prophecies have long stated that just before the return of Jesus Christ, a series of terrible events—portrayed as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse—will sweep over the earth. These coming calamities will include: increasing reports of wars, famines, natural disasters and disease epidemics. The “fourth horseman” is named Death and rides a pale horse. The Four Horsemen will ravage one quarter of the earth’s population by violence, hunger and “beasts of the earth”—including viruses and bacteria that spread disease (Revelation 6:8). The Scriptures indicate these end-time pestilences will trigger devastating disease epidemics that will claim millions of lives. While public health disasters of this magnitude may seem far-fetched in the light of modern medical technology, warnings of deadly epidemics on a global scale are becoming more frequent—indicating that ancient Bible prophecies are coming alive right now!

Lest We Forget!

“God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen.”
