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Why are some beliefs called “mainstream” and others cursed as abominable or worse? How can you tell a heretic from a true Christian? History reveals some surprising ironies!

Ecumenism and End-Time Prophecy

How will the end-time push for “Christian unity” affect your faith—and your life?

Which Jesus Do You Worship?

Deceived people do not know they are deceived. Is it really possible that billions may be deceived about the true Jesus Christ? You need to know, and to protect yourself from deception!

Watch the Middle East

Israel and its neighbors are at the heart of age-old conflicts long ago prophesied in your Bible—conflicts that will intensify at the end of this age, leading to the return of Jesus Christ!

"200-Year Anniversary of... What?"

How many Americans can name the famous event in their history that occurred on August 24, 1814—or 200 years ago, as of last Sunday.  Can you name this major milestone, which involved the United States and another dominant world power?
