News | Page 340 | Tomorrow's World


Mexico Joins the Same-Sex-Marriage Club!

“Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled that governments throughout the country should grant legal recognition to same-sex marriage. The court’s June 19 decision was based on the finding that procreation is not an essential purpose of marriage. The court found, on that basis, that all state laws restricting marriage to male-female couples were unconstitutional” (Catholic World News, June 22, 2015).

Heat-Related Deaths in Pakistan

“Pakistan’s PM Nawaz Sharif has called for emergency measures as the death toll from a heatwave in southern Sindh province reached nearly 700.

United States Pushes for German Leadership

“US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter on Monday urged Germany to bolster its defense spending ‘to ensure that Germany’s defense investments match Germany’s leadership role’” (Deutsche Welle, June 22, 2015). “The United States is pleased to hear that Germany is willing to assume a leadership role.

A Negative Interest Rate? What's That?

What if you could borrow a large sum of money, and your lender paid you to borrow it? This actually happened in Europe recently, and in Spain and Portugal, banks have actually paid interest to their borrowers—instead of the depositors! This phenomenon is called “negative interest,” and although it is a bit complicated, you need to know how it works.

Will the SDAs Approve Women Ministers?

The 60th General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist church is set for San Antonio, Texas, July 2–11. A major agenda item is whether or not to allow women to be ordained into the ministry. How did the SDA church get to this point? And, more importantly, what is God’s word on women serving as priests, clergy and ministers?
