News | Page 337 | Tomorrow's World


Murder and Torture for Pleasure?

“A violent video game that encourages players to perform gruesome killings on a ‘genocide crusade’ has been approved for sale in Britain. Hatred, believed to be the most violent game ever produced, was awarded an 18 certificate by the Games Rating Authority yesterday” (The Times, May 23, 2015).

Israel’s Unexpected Future

German Bundestag President Norbert Lammert recently commented to the Israeli Knesset, “The intensive friendship between our two countries is a historic miracle. This miracle happened mostly thanks to the abilities of two veteran and experienced leaders—David Ben-Gurion and Konrad Adenauer—to make a decision,” said Mr. Lammert (Jerusalem Post, June 24, 2015).

Growing Turmoil in Middle East

Violence is spreading in the Middle East. “Egypt’s military killed 241 militants in the Sinai from July 1-5, the army said Monday, including militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) who launched spectacular attacks last week” (Al Arabiya, July 6, 2015).

Homosexual Marriage Legalized in the USA

“The Supreme Court on Friday ruled same-sex partners have a constitutional right to marry, sweeping away state bans on gay unions and extending marriage equality nationwide” (Wall Street Journal, June 26, 2015). The high court’s decision came from a 5-4 vote.

China-Led Investment Bank Established:

A Chinese-led initiative to compete globally against the U.S. dollar has begun.
