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Significance of Notre Dame Destruction

It is sobering to watch the destruction of major historical structures. However, Bible prophecies warn Israelite-descended nations, including France, that God’s punishment is coming because these nations have rejected God and His laws (Hosea 8:11–14). God also warns that in the future, Israel’s “high places” (locations dedicated to other gods) will be brought down because they have rejected Him (Leviticus 26:30).

Deadly Flooding in Mozambique

Just over six weeks ago, Cyclone Idai slammed into the east African nations of Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and Malawi (The Guardian, March 27, 2019). The cyclone displaced “hundreds of thousands of people” while “flooding an area of 3,000 sq km” and killing more than 1,000 people. Cholera is now rampant.

Is Europe Preparing for War?

The world is an increasingly dangerous and volatile place. European leaders are taking more command of their own defense. Is that good? Is that bad? The Bible predicts the sudden and dramatic rise of an end-time superpower. It will burst on the world scene as a surprise to most of humanity. What is going on? And what will be the result of a new arms race between China, Russia, the United States and other nations? Who will dominate the rest of the 21st century? And perhaps we should ask a slightly more unexpected question: Is Europe preparing for War?

“The Worst Disease Ever Recorded.”

In a March 28 article, The Atlantic described a fungal infection known as “Bd.” This infection targets amphibians, such as frogs, and eats away at their skin, resulting in heart attack. Described as “a singularly apocalyptic fungus that’s unrivaled in its ability not only to kill animals, but to delete entire species from existence,” this fungus was first identified in the 1970s and has proceeded to devastate entire animal species ever since.

Brexit Slogs On!

A few weeks ago, less than 24 hours before Britain was scheduled to crash out of the EU on April 12, European leaders agreed to a six-month extension of “Article 50”—the exit clause for nations wishing to leave the EU. This was the second extension in two weeks (Telegraph, April 11, 2019). The UK now has until October 31 to decide how (or if) it will leave the European Union.
