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Will America Be Great Again?

President Donald Trump ran on the slogan “Make America Great Again.” But will he succeed?  Will anyone succeed?  And what about Britain?  What happened to the word Great that once preceded the name?  Will Britain and the British descended peoples be great again?  You can know the answers to these questions with absolute certainty, and the answers may surprise you.

The Year of the Pig!

In the Chinese lunar calendar, 2019 is the year of the pig. For many Chinese, pigs are a symbol of good fortune and wealth. China produces (and consumes) more pork than the United States and Europe combined—it is one of their staple proteins. Late in 2018, African swine fever began running rampant on Chinese pig farms. Since then, millions of animals have succumbed to this disease. Officials predict China could lose over 200 million animals (about a third of the total) before the disease is fully contained.

Spring Storms Delay Crop Planting

Spring of 2019 brought a “bomb cyclone” in March that flooded a significant portion of the American Midwest (, April 11, 2019). Since that devastating event, storms have continued to inundate the region with rains and flooding. While many farmers stored record amounts of corn and soy beans in an effort to wait out low prices, the recent flooding caused much of that stored crop to be lost—U.S.

The Real Armageddon

World War II ended in 1945, more than 70 years ago. To many at the time, the devastating conflict between nations appeared as if the end of the world was near. Is Armageddon again knocking at our door? Will we in this generation experience “the end of the world”? What does your Bible reveal about our future and World War III? Will you be prepared for Armageddon?

War with Iran Inevitable?

Tensions have been steadily rising between the United States and Iran, especially with the recent U.S. decision to try, through sanctions, to reduce Iranian oil exports to zero (Reuters, May 14, 2019). In recent weeks, four oil tankers—including two from Saudi Arabia—were attacked near the United Arab Emirates, and two Saudi oil pumping stations were attacked with armed drones.
