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“The Future of War”

So read the title of a recent article by Newsmax (April 2019). Several other articles have been published by various publications with similar titles. With Russia’s troop advances in Europe, China’s new hypersonic missile and stealth fighters, India’s recent destruction of a satellite with a ground-based interceptor system, and the United States’ new F-35 fighter, war is changing. Artificial intelligence, cyber warfare, autonomous weaponry, and growing successes in quantum computing continue to push the limits of mankind’s destructive capabilities at an unbelievable pace.

The Tragedy of Dairy Farm Contamination

A dairy farmer in the state of Maine is facing the financial ruin of his 100-year-old dairy farm because milk from his cows was proven to be tainted with harmful chemicals from a questionable source (Reuters, March 19, 2019). Subsequent testing showed the harmful chemicals are present in ground water and soil on the farm, and public health officials believe the contamination is associated with a fertilizer program that the farm participated in from the 1980s through the early 2000s.

War in the Middle East This Summer?

Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah has apparently warned his top generals in a secret meeting that “there will be a war with Israel this summer and that he may not be around to support them”—because he and other top officials may be killed by Israel in the near future (Jerusalem Post, April 21, 2019).

The Marketing of Greed

We can all desire a commodity, an improvement or achievement, without being driven by greed. Greed is more than desire. It is, as the definition stated, a craving for MORE than one needs. It is often associated with a desire for acquisition, position or recognition at any expense, regardless of whom it may harm. There are some in society who view greed as a positive motivator of Western economic development. Is it possible to determine if our present society has a problem with greed?

Is Darwinism Dead?

Is Darwinian evolution the fact you’ve been told it is?  Or is there reason to doubt Darwin? Many discoveries made over the last half century call into question whether life as we know it could possibly be the result of random chance.  And if empirical evidence is not on Darwin’s side, this has serious implications for how we got here, and whether there is a purpose for our existence.
