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Just What Is a Virus?

Viruses under a microscope rendition

COVID-19 has made viruses front-page news on a daily basis, but how many of us understand what they actually are? Is a virus alive or not? How do viruses work? How do they fit into the scheme of God’s creation?

The Mayflower: Ship That Launched an Empire

Big Ben

God’s hand in history is evident—if you know where to look! At a time when “progressive” thinkers seem determined to erase history, it is more important than ever to understand the events that helped build Western civilization.

Misguided Education and the Decline of Western Civilization

boy in flannel shirt drawing on a chalk board

The Western nations are drowning in a rising tide of social pathologies—violent crime, increasing incivility, political corruption, unsustainable debt, widespread drug abuse, depression, and suicide. People are feeling a loss of purpose and of religious belief, as the society around them shows a growing animosity toward the historical accomplishments of Western civilization. Are we truly witnessing the demise of the West?

A Perfect Storm

Crashing wave over a man running into the sunset

How the perfect storm arrived in 2020 and why we’re not ready for the one biblical prophecy says is yet to come!

A House Divided Cannot Stand

“A house divided cannot stand,” I said to the gentleman across from me in the Firestone waiting area. We had talked for over an hour as we watched the news on TV. It didn’t seem that long as we shared several things in common: an interest in history, gratitude for having grown up and lived in the United States, mutual displeasure with current events, and even a common Latino background. Notably, however, we differed in age, him being at least 30 years my senior. Until I said those words, the conversation was light, casual, and easygoing.
