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Behind the Cloak of COVID-19

For the last few months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has seemed at times like a cosmic black hole: It has relentlessly consumed everyone’s attention—especially in the media. Turn on the television or radio, scan headlines on the web, or swipe through the news on your phone, and COVID-19 often dominates the headlines and discussion. However, behind the ominous, ever-present cloak of the virus, the world is suffering from numerous other calamities.

Why Do the UK, the U.S., Canada, and Australia Stand Together?

As the world watches China and Hong Kong struggle over differing definitions of freedom, and many nations express individual concern, why have four nations recently chosen to issue a joint statement disapproving of how events are unfolding in southeast Asia?

Anger, Hate, and Violence: What Is the Solution?

Millions of people around the globe have been outraged by the viral video of a policeman kneeling on the neck of a defenseless George Floyd. This action was, by all appearances, an excessive use of force on the part of the officer. Since then, protests have broken out across the United States and even in Europe.

Signs of the End of the Age

Jesus Christ responded to His disciples’ question about the impending destruction of Jerusalem and, further, when the end of the age would come by pointing to many conditions. He described various worldwide calamities, including religious deceptions, wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes.

Sunlight and COVID-19

The new coronavirus has rapidly infected millions around the globe. Most efforts to control the spread of the virus have focused on handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, social distancing, and providing medical care. In the minds of many, the only hope for halting the virus is finding an effective medicine until a vaccine is developed. However, many simple, effective, and inexpensive protective steps one can take are seldom mentioned.
