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German Military Prepares for the Future

In recent weeks, the German defense minister and the inspector general of the Bundeswehr published a strategic white paper on the future of the German military (German Foreign Policy, February 15, 2021). This new document highlights the increasing threat against Europe that Russia represents. It also highlights China’s rise as a military superpower and the need for Germany to balance that rise.

Truth in an Age of Lies

What are the perils of living at a time when information more widely available than ever before? Information is a good thing. It is impossible to make wise decisions without having information. We use the written accounts of others to learn what has worked, and what hasn't. We can analyze different potential outcomes. We can explore points of view beyond our own perspective. More information must mean that everyone is making better and better decisions. If we look around us, that is clearly not the reality. How does one find truth in this age of lies and fake news?



Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Why has Christ still not returned?

Extortion Grows Around the Globe

Recently in South Africa, criminals strapped an explosive device to an ATM technician and forced him to open the machines he was hauling so they could steal the money (Institute for Security Studies, February 18, 2021). Thankfully, the victim was released after the ordeal. Extortion efforts like this are being used with increasing frequency by cartels and gangs around the globe.
