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Need for Right and Effective Government

Look around the globe and you can pick your flavor of government. Yet can any form of human government protect us from the faults of human nature? Deutsche Welle reports that the democratic nation of Mexico has struggled for decades under corrupt government and the oppressive tyranny of rival drug cartels linked to the murder of 85,000 civilians and candidates for elected office in just the last three years (May 27, 2021).

The Killer We Ignore

As of this writing, more than 3.7 million COVID-19-related deaths have been officially reported worldwide since the pandemic began. This virus has held the world hostage for over a year. But, do you know what legal, deadly, disease-causing agent killed nearly 8 million people in 2019 and could kill just as many this year? If you guessed cigarettes, you are right!

Your Future in a Book

Presiding Evangelist: Gerald Weston

The Bible contains God's promise of a brighter future than mankind's advances alone can ever provide.


Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!

Can We Save Ourselves?

Bible prophecy reveals that mankind’s history will end in self-destruction—unless God turns things around.
