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Afghanistan May Spur EU Army

Some in the European Union have wanted an EU army for nearly two decades, but this ambitious goal has been fraught with setbacks. Now, as the Afghanistan situation deteriorates and EU ministers sense what they see as a betrayal by the United States, the chaotic exodus in Kabul could become a catalyst to finally push the creation of that army. Many Europeans appear to be concluding that America no longer “has their back.”

Turning to Astrology

During the last year and a half of the COVID pandemic, many have sought some type of spiritual experience. CNN reports on the observations of James Alcock, psychology professor at York University, who suggests that tumultuous times tend to prompt people to turn to spiritualism and the occult.

We Shouldn’t Be Shocked

Presiding Evangelist: Gerald Weston

People often wonder: Will war ever end? The Bible says it will—do you want to know how?

Letters to TW

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Mark 13:37 | “And what I say to you, I say to all: Watch!
