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Abortion and Deception

A staggering 14.4 million abortions occurred worldwide in the first four months of 2021 according to—a respected Internet statistics source (May 4, 2021). This means that the combined number of deaths in the same period from the seasonal flu, HIV/AIDS, cancer, malaria, smoking, alcohol, suicide, and traffic accidents (roughly 7 million) wasn’t enough to reach half of the devastation wrought by the widespread availability of abortion.

Is COVID-19 a Sign of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse?

COVID-19—perhaps no event has so universally affected the globe since World War II. According to a July 21, 2021 article by U.S. News & World Report, only 14 countries out of the 197 in the world haven’t reported a COVID-19 case, and twelve of those are small island nations. It is a worldwide crisis that has likely sparked a variety of questions in the minds of Bible readers, especially questions related to the book of Revelation.

New Hard-Line Japanese Prime Minister?

Japan’s current prime minister will soon step down, and the nation will hold new elections on September 29. A leading contender for the top job is former foreign minister, Fumio Kishida. Mr.

Collapse of Morality in Israelite-Descended Nations

Globally, the Israelite-descended nations—the United States, nations deriving from Britain, and many nations of western Europe—are actively promoting their “liberated” views on morality. These once-conservative nations, which based many of their moral values in the Bible, have rid themselves of this supposedly antiquated text and its moral teachings—going so far as to pressure other nations who do not want to adopt their new “liberating” values.

A Lesson from Amos for Our Time

The prophets of old were sent by God to warn Israel, Judah, and other nations that their sins would bring about God’s punishment. This happened over and over again. Could it happen today? And more importantly, will it?
