| Tomorrow's World

Who is the Great Deceiver?

We are living in an age of deception. Advertisers are able to make things look better than they really are. Movie producers can trick us into thinking what we see is real. The political world has proved to be a world of smoke and mirrors. Sadly, another deception is in the religious world. Many people are searching for the truth but find a confusing world of differing beliefs and doctrines. What is the truth? You can know because the Bible is the truth, the one and only truth! Do you know the truth or could you be deceived?

Pagan Holidays or God's Holy Days?

Few today realize that most of the holidays which mainstream "Christianity" observes come straight out of paganism! Did you know that God gave Christians an entire series of Holy Days, which Christ and the apostles observed, but which have effectively been "trashed" by mainstream "Christianity" today? Which days should you observe—and why?

Christ's Coming Government

There is an enormous event coming that will change everything around you. This program will give you details involving a genuine world government which is coming soon. This is not mysticism or fantasy. This is real and yet this truth has been hidden from the vast majority of human beings. You need to know and you need to prepare.

The Day of the Lord

World events in Bible prophecy clearly show that we are in the end times. We are nearing the end of the age, the end of this world's society and the second coming of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, is fast approaching. Jesus prophesied that unless He intervened no flesh would be saved alive. The atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 ushered in a new age of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons can now destroy all life on planet Earth. Bible prophecy reveals the sequence of events that lie just ahead of us. You can be spared—if you understand.

Your Future in Tomorrow's World

What will you really be doing 20 years from now? Do you realize that your Creator has a specific job or responsibility planned out for you, if you are willing? If you can believe the clear teachings of the Bible, you can truly be inspired by the awesome plan God has in mind. It is specific. It involves an inspiring job for you in the future.
