| Tomorrow's World

Is Christ in Today's Christianity?

Have you ever considered why there are so many Christian denominations? Is Jesus Christ in all of them? We're told that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. So, how can He agree with all of the different doctrines and ideas that are out there? Many religious leaders are working towards having just one "world church". But, it will be Jesus Christ Himself who will bring one religion to the whole world when he returns to this earth. Is the Christianity that you strive to follow the true Christianity of the Bible?

Get God's Attention!

Have you ever been outside on a clear starry night, looked up at the sky, and wondered about the incredible God who created the universe? What a mind He must have—and what power! How great He must be—and how small we are in comparison! Yet this amazing God cares about us! When we face times of crisis and trauma—times of loss and trial—we cry out to God, and we want the "eyes of heaven" directed toward us. As great and lofty as God is, how can we get His attention?

Tomorrow's World: What Will It Be Like?

Truly staggering prophetic events are just ahead. This world will never be the same. But beyond the gloom, beyond the prophesied great tribulation, a wonderful world will emerge. You older folks and you young people need to be preparing for this world, a world most of you have never heard about.

Time Is Running Out

The Jesus Christ of your Bible is coming again soon. Very specific events are starting to occur which Jesus directly prophesied. Time is running out for this world's society. The basic order of events and time-frame is available if you are really interested in what is going to happen. Remember what a shock it was when America dropped the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima? Multiple thousands were killed instantly. But, virtually no one had any idea that this kind of weapon even existed. You need to realize that a lot of unexpected events will begin to seriously impact this world soon.

Will You Inherit the Earth?

Millions assume that if they believe in Jesus Christ they will go to heaven when they die. But Jesus said that the meek will inherit the Earth! What is the truth? Where will you spend eternity? And how can you know?
