| Tomorrow's World

Britain’s Growing Identity Crisis

Britain’s Growing Identity Crisis

Is Britain still a “Christian” society? Modern demographics indicate that this once-great Western nation may be adrift on a tide of moral and religious apathy.

Evolution’s Dirty Little Secrets

Ape and Man in hourglass

Many would have you believe that evidence against evolution does not exist. What is the truth about evolution and its supposed scientific “underpinnings”?

Our Increasingly Dangerous World

Is the world becoming more dangerous? This is one of the most important questions we should be asking. Peace and safety are among our most basic needs and are often touted as goals for new governments, ideologies or religions. Are things getting worse? Is there reason for hope?

European "Global Gateway" Preparing to Launch

The European Union’s long-planned alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative is about to move ahead (Politico, January 23, 2023). A planning document for the Global Gateway Project proposes 70 different international projects, some of which are set to begin in 2023. “The EU has several projects planned in China’s backyard, such as an energy transition partnership with Indonesia and a digital connectivity project in the Philippines.

Natural Disasters and the Plan of God

The recent 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Syria and Turkey and subsequent aftershocks have claimed nearly 50,000 lives and wreaked vast devastation, including destroying over a quarter of a million apartments in Turkey (The Tribune, February 18, 2023). As time runs out for saving the lives of more people buried in the rubble, the death toll is expected to soar to even greater levels.
