| Tomorrow's World

The Power of Light

Most children have taken a magnifying glass and used the power of concentrated sunlight to burn leaves or paper or have fried an egg on a sidewalk heated by the summer sun. Light is very powerful.

Controlling Our Thoughts

Do you control your thoughts? It can be more difficult than you think. Where do thoughts come from, and what do you do with your thoughts?

Reading scientific definitions of thought is not very enlightening. Thought is intangible, like light and magnetism. We know thought exists, but what is it? We have ideas, opinions, memories, feelings, and emotions, all of which we ascribe to the mind and heart.

China’s Technology Is Leaving the World Behind!

The Guardian reports, “The United States and other western countries are losing the race with China to develop advanced technologies and retain talent” (March 2, 2023). The Australian Strategic Policy Institute reported that out of 44 technologies tracked, China leads the world in 37, such as “electric batteries, hypersonics and advanced radio-frequency communications such as 5G and 6G.” According to the report, the U.S.

Will War in Ukraine Grow Larger?

In a recent speech to the United Nations General Assembly, Secretary-General António Guterres gave the following somber warning: “We have started 2023 staring down the barrel of a confluence of challenges unlike any in our lifetimes” (The Guardian, February 6, 2023).

Fools, Sluggards, and Liars

No one wants to be labeled a fool, sluggard, or liar, yet there is ample evidence that those fitting these negative labels cause much of modern society’s conflicts and confusion. As pandemic restrictions wane and folks resume normal activities, it seems that troublesome problems in homes, businesses, and academia have worsened dramatically.
