| Tomorrow's World

Bible Prophecy and the European Dream

For centuries, many Europeans have looked beyond their small nation-states and dreamed of a powerful, unified continent. As the European Union grows, matures and negotiates obstacles, Bible prophecy can shed light on the prospect of a united Europe.

The Promises of God

How far would you go to find buried treasure? Many have risked their lives searching for riches in unlikely places. But did you know that God has promised you the greatest treasure of all? You can find it in the pages of your own Bible!

Do You Live by What Christ Taught?

Are you living the way Jesus Christ and His apostles lived? Do you believe and practice what they taught? Many who call themselves Christians have departed from the faith of Jesus Christ—without even realizing it!

Coming: A Famine of the Word!

God inspired the prophet Amos to record: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine on the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD.

Can You Prove What You Believe?

So where did you get your religion? How did you come to believe the things that you believe? Did you find your religious concepts in the Bible? Or did you get your religious ideas from family and friends?
