| Tomorrow's World

The Pagan Revival

Everyone has heard of Harry Potter. You may even know a few Wiccans who worship "the goddess." Yet few realize that a pagan revival is extending to where you might least expect it—to churches calling themselves "Christian"!

Seven Satanic Deceptions

Nobody likes to admit that he has been conned. But your Bible warns that Satan wants to con you out of your most precious possession. Do you recognize Satan's greatest deceptions—and how you can avoid them?

Why Has Utopia Failed?

Would you like to live in a better world? Mankind has spent millennia looking for a perfect society—a utopia—where all can live in peace and happiness. Why has it always gone wrong? Will we ever have utopia on this earth?

The Petrine Deception

The "primacy of Peter" doctrine asserts that Jesus gave Peter, and Peter's successors, authority to function as the sole custodians of true Christian teaching—and as Pope Benedict asserted, "This primacy is for all time" (ibid.). Supporters of this doctrine point to one key passage of scripture, in which Jesus said, "you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church… I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven" (Matthew 16:18–19). A careful study of this passage and other scriptures, however, reveals something very different from what Benedict has in mind.

Biblical Ignorance: A Real Problem!

Millions of people throughout the western world have read The Da Vinci Code. This last summer, millions saw a film based on the novel. It is challenging the faith of many churchgoers! And it is confusing millions about what the Bible really says.
